Advertise in IECA's eNewsletter

IECA’s eNewsletter is sent monthly to both members and non-members. Being armed with the latest original research and content will help you take your career to another level. IECA is meticulous in ensuring that you have access to timely information, educational news, surveys, and special features highlighting latest trends in erosion control and related fields, with links to additional content on the IECA website.


Ad Rates:

Prices listed as Member | Non-Member

Banner Ad
  • Includes a link to a URL of your choice or an email address.
  • Please email your ad in a JPG or GIF image. The file must be less than 15KB in size.​
  • Image resolution must be at least 72 dpi.
  • Banner ads may incorporate animated GIF functionality so long as the total file size does not exceed 15KB.

Leaderboard Price Per Month | 640x60 | Member $450/Nonmember $750
Skyscraper Price Per Month | 113x260 | Member $300/Nonmember $600​​

Procedures and Disclaimers

IECA reserves the right to refuse the placement of any banner ad that it considers controversial, inappropriate, misleading or inaccurate.

IECA will occasionally partner with cooperating organizations to exchange ads in the interest of increasing traffic to our site and increasing the visibility of our cause. IECA also creates ads to promote events, programs and products offered by the association. Both of these types of ads are entered into the rotation, just like any paid advertisement with the same rules and restrictions.

Please send artwork to Jan Rabern at

Since 1995, my involvement in IECA activities has been pivotal in shaping my second career after retiring from the USDA-NRCS. The technology sessions, networking opportunities, and friendships I've built have been crucial to my success as an erosion and sediment control planner, inspector, and trainer.

Earl Norton, CPESC, CPAg, CCA Auburn, Alabama, USA