
The vision of the SOIL Fund is to expand the science of erosion and sediment control and to improve the lives of those impacted by erosion and sedimentation.


The SOIL Fund provides technical assistance for programs and projects that address soil erosion and sedimentation through applied technology, education, and research.

How We Accomplish Our Mission

The work of the SOIL Fund is accomplished through our regions, chapters, affiliate organizations, and individual members. Our potential to provide technical assistance depends on the soundness and practicality of a proposal, availability of funds, and the willingness and qualifications of IECA members to volunteer for a specific project.


  • To support research that advances our knowledge of the impacts of erosion and the techniques to control it.
  • To support erosion control education and applied technology.
  • To support projects that improve the lives of those impacted by erosion and sediment. 

Support the SOIL Fund While Shopping

The SOIL Fund is a proud participant in the Amazon Smile Program. This means that .5% of qualified purchases at are donated to the SOIL fund when you click this link before making your purchase.

Apply for SOIL Committee Support

The SOIL Committee is not accepting applications at this time.

SOIL Committee Goal

The SOIL Committee adopted a resolution at the 2018 IECA Annual Conference and Expo to raise more than $25,000 to support grants.  Fundraising will be primarily through the IECA Annual Conference and Expo, emails, corporate sponsors and grants. Once the Committee has raised the necessary funds in operating capital, applications will again begin accepted for project applications.

More details to follow.

Since 1995, my involvement in IECA activities has been pivotal in shaping my second career after retiring from the USDA-NRCS. The technology sessions, networking opportunities, and friendships I've built have been crucial to my success as an erosion and sediment control planner, inspector, and trainer.

Earl Norton, CPESC, CPAg, CCA Auburn, Alabama, USA