2024 IECA Board of Directors Nominations Are Now Closed

This is your opportunity to help shape the future of our association and industry. We seek passionate and experienced leaders who share our mission and vision. Nominations are solicited from members each year to elect four (4) Directors to the Board. We encourage each chartered IECA Chapter to participate by submitting Chapter-endorsed candidates for the Board of Directors annually. To ensure a diverse and skilled Board, a Nominating Committee has been established to select candidates from the membership based on specific roles needed on the Board, such as financial expertise, marketing skills, or knowledge of policies and regulations. All potential candidates will be reviewed by the Nominating Committee and categorized as Director A, Director B, or Director C based on their skill sets. These candidates will then be placed on the election ballot.

Please review the 2024 IECA Board Responsibilities for more information on duties expected by the board.

Eligibility Requirements
Board Candidates must meet the following eligibility requirements as outlined in IECA’s by-laws, Article 5.2:
  • Participation in the fields of erosion control, sediment control and stormwater management,
  • Contribution to the Corporation and
  • Intent to provide continued service to the Corporation.
    • Board candidates must demonstrate a professional affiliation with the erosion control, sediment control or stormwater management industry and list all professional organizations of which they hold membership. In addition, they shall list the committees that they serve on, all Board of Directors positions and any Officer title/s of the organization/s.
    • Board candidates must have a minimum of three (3) consecutive years of membership in the Corporation, prior to the date of their candidacy.
    • It is recommended that Board candidates participate in one of the following prior to the date of their candidacy: IECA Committee Member, Chapter Officer, Chapter Committee Member, or IECA Program.
Nomination Process

Each Candidate for nomination to the Board of Directors will download the Board Nomination Materials and submit the following information to membership@ieca.org.

1) The IECA Board of Directors Nomination Form includes:

  • Endorsement of three (3) current IECA members
  • Short bio-sketch of history with IECA or the industry
  • List of association affiliations and offices held within the organizations
  • A statement of why the nominee would like to serve as an IECA Director
  • Business photo

2) Provide name and email address for three (3) references so an IECA Reference Skills Assessment Form can be emailed to them to complete.

  • References will rank your Board skills on a scale of 1-10. References do not need to be IECA members.
  • Each reference must submit their completed “IECA Board Nominations Skills Assessment form directly to IECA. It is your responsibility to ensure the individuals you select complete and send the form to IECA.
Note: References must email their “IECA Board Nominations Skills Assessment” directly to IECA at membership@ieca.org.

IECA will inform you when all three (3) assessments have been received. If all are not submitted one week prior to the deadline, IECA will contact you with the name(s) of the individuals who have not submitted the form.

Acceptance of the Candidate’s nomination shall be verified by the Executive Director and the Board Executive Committee, based on fulfillment of the Candidate qualification requirements. Upon verification of the nomination, the Candidate’s bio-sketch and statement will be placed on the ballot and distributed to all eligible Members prior to the election period. If the Chief Executive Officer and the Board Executive Committee have determined that a conflict of interest exists, they will declare the Candidate ineligible to run for the IECA Board of Directors. The Chief Executive Officer will notify the Candidate in writing.

Review the FAQs for further information on the nomination process and what it entails.

If you have additional questions on submitting, voting or the nomination process, please contact IECA at membership@ieca.org or call 303-640-7554.

Submission Deadline: 30 June 2024

Since 1995, my involvement in IECA activities has been pivotal in shaping my second career after retiring from the USDA-NRCS. The technology sessions, networking opportunities, and friendships I've built have been crucial to my success as an erosion and sediment control planner, inspector, and trainer.

Earl Norton, CPESC, CPAg, CCA Auburn, Alabama, USA