Standards and Practices Committee

Committee Description/Purpose/Objectives

The Standards and Practices (S&P) Committee has been convened by the IECA Board of Directors (BODs) to develop standards for the US construction stormwater industry. The Board recognizes regional differences and even local differences in terminology and design of erosion and sediment control practices. However, the Board also recognizes that standardizing design based upon sound science, testing criteria for sediment controls, monitoring recommendations to provide feedback to site operators, and terminology will greatly advance the stormwater industry.


Facilitate the creation, understanding, adoption, and maintenance of a design standard(s) for sediment controls employed on construction sites through:
  • the creation of a design standard(s) based on existing design guidance, models, and engineering principles;
  • promoting the adoption and implementation
  • providing advisement, resources, and support to the IECA Professional Development Committee (PDC) for the development of training courses.


Develop design standards for sediment controls used on constructions sites.
  • Use existing design guidance, models, and engineering principles; and
  • Develop design models to be based on stormwater runoff quality, rates, and volume.
Advance the use of standard design methodologies for construction site sediment controls.
  • Provide assistance in the development of a new IECA curriculum; and
  • Encourage regulatory agencies to require a design storm event that designers need to consider during the design and selection of sediment controls.


The Committee chair will establish the meeting schedule for the committee. Committee members will be notified at least a week in advance of the committee meeting date and time. The S&P Committee shall make reports to the BODs on their activities prior to each BODs meeting. Board meetings are in February, June, and October. The report will contain a written component and may be delivered in person or by the Board liaison.

Membership/Qualifications/Term of Service

The S&P Committee will have voting and non-voting members. Voting members shall be IECA members in good standing. Non-voting members are committee members that are not IECA members. The committee will have an IECA staff liaison and a BODs liaison.

Structure and Bylaws

  • Committee size should be 5-10 members, including the Chair.
  • 3-year terms
  • The committee is Chaired by a member appointed by the President of the BODs.
  • Committee members are appointed by the Committee Chair.

Standards and Practices Committee Roster

Since 1995, my involvement in IECA activities has been pivotal in shaping my second career after retiring from the USDA-NRCS. The technology sessions, networking opportunities, and friendships I've built have been crucial to my success as an erosion and sediment control planner, inspector, and trainer.

Earl Norton, CPESC, CPAg, CCA Auburn, Alabama, USA