IECA Award Recipients


Annual Conference 2024 Presenter of the Year: Daniel M. Nitzsche and Robin Casioppo

Technical Paper of the Year: Brian Roche

Environmental Excellence: Mount Messenger Alliance - Te Ara o Te Ata (TATA) Project

Outstanding Professional: Jeff King, CPESC

Sustained Contributor: Sonny Johns, REP, CPESC, CISEC

Emerging Leader: Christina Kranz

Sustained Partner: Vital Chemical

Lifetime Achievement Award: J. Warren Faircloth

Lifetime Achievement Award: Wally Butman

The Tie That Binds Us: Joe Johnson

Annual Conference 2023 Presenter of the Year: Craig Benson, MS, CWS

Technical Paper of the Year: Jannell Clampitt, EIT, CPESC-IT

Environmental Excellence: Bruce Highway, Cairns Southern Access Corridor (Stage 3) - Edmonton to Gordonvale Project (HSA Group)

Outstanding Professional: Julie Morelli, PG, REM, CPESC, CESSWI, ENV SP

Sustained Contributor: James W. Spotts, M.S., Ph.D., CPSS, CPESC

Emerging Leaders: Nathan T. Collier, CPESC, CESSWI, QISP; Lauren M. Deem, MS, CPESC, CESSWI; and Rachel Reynolds, CPESC, CESSWI

Sustained Partner: Charles R. Riling Jr., TRETCO, ABI, CESSWI

The Tie That Binds Us: Adam Lyman

Annual Conference 2022 Presenter of the Year: JP Johns, PE

Technical Paper of the Year: Jannell Clampitt, EIT, CPESC-IT

Environmental Excellence: Kilométro 21, Vía Gigante-Garzón Recuperación, De La Banca Usando Megabolsas (Ginalsah, Inc)

Outstanding Professional: Peter Armstrong

Sustained Contributor: Adam Dibble, CPESC, CESSWI

Emerging Leaders: Billur Kazaz, Ph.D. and Stefano Rignanese, M.Sc.

Sustained Partner: Auburn Stormwater Research Facility

Contractor of the Year: K4 Environmental, LLC

The Tie That Binds Us: Dave Jenkins

Annual Conference 2021 Presenter of the Year: Andrew Macleod, CPESC, CPSS

Technical Paper of the Year: Gleicy M. Cavalcante, EIT and Gary Hawkins, Ph.D.

Environmental Excellence: Western Sydney Airport - Bulk Earthworks Package (CPB Acciona Joint Venture)

Outstanding Professional: Daniel L. Fisk, CPESC

Sustained Contributor: Wally Butman

Emerging Leaders: Jaime Schussler, EIT, CPESC-IT and Stefano Rignanese

Sustained Partner: Joanna Fetherolf, CMP

Annual Conference 2020 Presenter of the Year: Greg Jennings, PhD, PE

Technical Paper of the Year: Blake Whitman, PhD, PE, CPESC

Environmental Excellence: Rain City Strategy: A Green Rainwater Infrastructure and Rainwater Management Initiative (City of Vancouver, British Columbia)

Outstanding Professional: Dr. Michael Robeson

Sustained Contributor: Marc Theisen, M.Sc., CPESC, CPSWQ, CESSWI

Three Under 30 Young Professionals: Dakota Basham, CPESC, Jacob Bucher and Dr. Lan Liu

Four Under 40 Young Professionals: Jacob Burkey, PE, Stefano Rignanese, Matt Welch, CPESC, CESSWI and Blake Whitman, PhD, PE, CPESC

Sustained Partner: Profile Products LLC

Annual Conference 2019 Presenters of the Year: Jason Lederer, CPESC, LEED AP & Troy Thompson, MS, PE

Technical Paper of the Year: Lan Liu, MS & Michael A. Perez, Ph.D.,CPESC

Outstanding Professional:Earl Norton, MS, CPESC, CPAg

Sustained Contributor: Charles R. Riling, Jr., TRETCNO, ABI, CESSWI

Environmental Excellence: Dr. Rich McLaughlin and the North Carolina State University (NCSU) Erosion, Sediment and Turbidity Control Program

Three Under 30 Young Professionals: Michael A. Perez, Ph.D.,CPESC; Kristine Sommer, CPESC, QISP, QSD; Sylvie Spraakman, P.Eng.

Four Under 40 Young Professionals: Adam Dibble, CPESC, CESSWI; Wesley N. Donald, Ph.D., E.I., CPESC; Dylan Drudul, CPESC; and Stefano Rignanese, MS

Sustained Partner: East Coast Erosion Control

Environmental Connection 2018 Presenter of the Year: Dwayne Stenlund, CPESC

Most Distinguished Technical Paper: J. Blake Whitman, MS, Wesley Donald, Ph.D., CPESC and Wes Zech, Ph.D.

Outstanding Professionals: Claudia Chambers, CPESC, CISEC, QSP and Kym Kelley CPESC, CISEC, QSP

Sustained Contributor: DJ Brouwer, PE, CFM

Environmental Excellence: Wes Zech, Ph.D. and the Auburn University Erosion and Sediment Control Testing Facility

Environmental Connection 2017 Presenter of the Year: Dr. Eve Brantley

Most Distinguished Technical Paper: Marc S. Theisen, M.Sc., CPESC, CPSWQ, CESSWI and J.P. Johns, PE

Outstanding Professional: Jonathan Koepke, CPESC, LEED-AP

Sustained Contributor: Gustavo Salerno, CPESC, PE

Environmental Excellence: Paul Kofi Nsiah, Brandenburg Technology University

Environmental Connection 2016 Presenter of the Year: Dwayne Stenlund, CPESC

Most Distinguished Technical Paper: Jerry L. Hatfield, Ph.D.

Outstanding Professional: Adam Dibble, CESSWI

Sustained Contributor: Dan Salsinger

Environmental Excellence: Texas A & M Transportation Institute's Sediment and Erosion Control Laboratory

Most Distinguished Technical Paper: Michael Perez

Environmental Excellence: Stephen Peck

Outstanding Professional: John McCullah

Most Distinguished Technical Paper: James E. (Jay) Sprague, CPESC

Environmental Connection Presenter of the Year: Wesley C. Zech, PhD, LEED AP

Sustained Contributor of the Year: J.P. Johns, P.E.

Young Professional: Brad Flack, CPESC, CESSWI

Contractor of the Year: Construction EcoServices

Organization of the Year: Association Guatemaleca de Control de Erosion (AGCES)

Sustained Contributor: J.P. Johns, P.E.

Young Professional: Brad Flack, CPESC, CESSWI

Contractor of the Year: Construction EcoServices

Organization of the Year: Association Guatemaleca de Control de Erosion (AGCES)

Presenter of the Year: Barry Fagan, PE/PLS, CPESC and Jesse Poore, AICP, CFM

Most Distinguished Technical Paper: Julie Etra, MS, CPESC

Environmental Achievement of the Year: Frank Kneib

Sustained Contributor: David T. Williams, Ph.D., PE, CPESC

Presenter of the Year: Christopher Neumann

Most Distinguished Technical Paper: Stephen H. Peck, PE, Paul Wisheropp, PE and Andrea Manha, PE

Environmental Achievement of the Year: Sue Harney

Contractor of the Year: Ben West and the Denver Transit Construction Group

Presenter of the Year: Barry Fagan, PE/PLS, CPESC

Most Distinguished Technical Paper: Gerry Hester, PE, and Wesley Donald

Environmental Achievement of the Year: Banora Point Upgrade Alliance

Sustained Contributor: Tom Carpenter, CPESC

Contractor of the Year: Abigroup Contractors

Educational Achievement: Alaska Coastal Revegetation & Erosion Control Guide (ACRECG)

Organization of the Year: Township of Langley - ESC Program

Professional of the Year: Gregory Ewanitz, CPESC, CESSWI

Young Professional: Kent Stevenson

Most Distinguished Technical Paper: David Todd, CPESC

Presenter of the Year: Barry Fagan, PE/PLS, CPESC

Environmental Achievement: Hume Highway Woomargama Alliance

Sustained Contributor: Doug Wimble, CPESC

Educational Achievement: North Carolina State University Departments of Soil Science and Biological & Agricultural Engineering (Rich McLaughlin)

Young Professional: Jason Lederer, CPESC, LEED AP

Presenter of the Year: Dwayne Stenlund, MS, CPESC, CPRM

Sustained Contributor: Grant Witheridge and Mark Hunter, PE, MPA

Industry Professional of the Year: Gustavo Salerno, CPESC

Organization of the Year: North Carolina Department of Transportation’s Roadside Environmental Unit - Ted Sherrod (NCDOT)

Presenter of the Year: Brent Hallock, PhD, CPESC, CPSS

Sustained Contributor: Julie Etra, CPESC

Educational Achievement: Sam Lamont, CPESC, CESSWI, CISEC and Alex Zimmerman, CPESC

Environmental Achievement: North Carolina Inventor Honored for Excellence in Controlling Sediment at Construction Sites, J. Warren Faircloth

Excellence in Technology: Colorado Engineer Honored for Excellence in Erosion Control. Laura Girard

Most Distinguished Technical Paper: South Carolina Erosion Control Researcher Honored for Technical Paper about Product Performance Testing

Sustained Contributor: Colorado Water Resources Engineer Honored for Contributions to the Erosion Control Industry, Paul E. Clopper, PE

Contractor of the Year: California Contractor Honored for Excellence in Controlling Erosion at Construction Sites, Alfred T. Nitta, CPESC

Educator of the Year: Texas Civil Engineer Honored for Service as an Educator in the Regional Erosion Control Industry, Andrew Johnston, CPESC

Most Distinguished Technical Paper: Johnny McFero Grace, III, Ph.D., CPESC

Environmental Achievement: City of Charlotte’s Erosion and Sedimentation Control Program

Sustained Contributor: Sustained Contributor Award: Earl Norton

Environmental Achievement: South China Agricultural University, Guang Zhou, China, and Toyo Greenland Company, Ltd.

Most Distinguished Technical Paper: Wendi Goldsmith

Technical Paper: Design of Montana Stream Restoration Project by Bill Bucher and Gary Wolff

Sustained Contributor Award: John Peterson

Excellence in Technology: John McCullah

Environmental Achievement: San Antonio Water System’s Resource Protection and Compliance Department: Scott Halty, Robert Martinez, Martin Miller and Philip Handley

Contractor of the Year Award: Oxford Properties, L.L.C., Richard A. Denny, III

Since 1995, my involvement in IECA activities has been pivotal in shaping my second career after retiring from the USDA-NRCS. The technology sessions, networking opportunities, and friendships I've built have been crucial to my success as an erosion and sediment control planner, inspector, and trainer.

Earl Norton, CPESC, CPAg, CCA Auburn, Alabama, USA