IECA Award Recipients
Annual Conference 2024 Presenter of the Year: Daniel M. Nitzsche and Robin Casioppo
Technical Paper of the Year: Brian Roche
Environmental Excellence: Mount Messenger Alliance - Te Ara o Te Ata (TATA) Project
Outstanding Professional: Jeff King, CPESC
Sustained Contributor: Sonny Johns, REP, CPESC, CISEC
Emerging Leader: Christina Kranz
Sustained Partner: Vital Chemical
Lifetime Achievement Award: J. Warren Faircloth
Lifetime Achievement Award: Wally Butman
The Tie That Binds Us: Joe Johnson
Annual Conference 2023 Presenter of the Year: Craig Benson, MS, CWS
Technical Paper of the Year: Jannell Clampitt, EIT, CPESC-IT
Environmental Excellence: Bruce Highway, Cairns Southern Access Corridor (Stage 3) - Edmonton to Gordonvale Project (HSA Group)
Outstanding Professional: Julie Morelli, PG, REM, CPESC, CESSWI, ENV SP
Sustained Contributor: James W. Spotts, M.S., Ph.D., CPSS, CPESC
Emerging Leaders: Nathan T. Collier, CPESC, CESSWI, QISP; Lauren M. Deem, MS, CPESC, CESSWI; and Rachel Reynolds, CPESC, CESSWI
Sustained Partner: Charles R. Riling Jr., TRETCO, ABI, CESSWI
The Tie That Binds Us: Adam Lyman
Annual Conference 2022 Presenter of the Year: JP Johns, PE
Technical Paper of the Year: Jannell Clampitt, EIT, CPESC-IT
Environmental Excellence: Kilométro 21, Vía Gigante-Garzón Recuperación, De La Banca Usando Megabolsas (Ginalsah, Inc)
Outstanding Professional: Peter Armstrong
Sustained Contributor: Adam Dibble, CPESC, CESSWI
Emerging Leaders: Billur Kazaz, Ph.D. and Stefano Rignanese, M.Sc.
Sustained Partner: Auburn Stormwater Research Facility
Contractor of the Year: K4 Environmental, LLC
The Tie That Binds Us: Dave Jenkins
Annual Conference 2021 Presenter of the Year: Andrew Macleod, CPESC, CPSS
Technical Paper of the Year: Gleicy M. Cavalcante, EIT and Gary Hawkins, Ph.D.
Environmental Excellence: Western Sydney Airport - Bulk Earthworks Package (CPB Acciona Joint Venture)
Outstanding Professional: Daniel L. Fisk, CPESC
Sustained Contributor: Wally Butman
Emerging Leaders: Jaime Schussler, EIT, CPESC-IT and Stefano Rignanese
Sustained Partner: Joanna Fetherolf, CMP
Annual Conference 2020 Presenter of the Year: Greg Jennings, PhD, PE
Technical Paper of the Year: Blake Whitman, PhD, PE, CPESC
Environmental Excellence: Rain City Strategy: A Green Rainwater Infrastructure and Rainwater Management Initiative (City of Vancouver, British Columbia)
Outstanding Professional: Dr. Michael Robeson
Sustained Contributor: Marc Theisen, M.Sc., CPESC, CPSWQ, CESSWI
Three Under 30 Young Professionals: Dakota Basham, CPESC, Jacob Bucher and Dr. Lan Liu
Four Under 40 Young Professionals: Jacob Burkey, PE, Stefano Rignanese, Matt Welch, CPESC, CESSWI and Blake Whitman, PhD, PE, CPESC
Sustained Partner: Profile Products LLC
Annual Conference 2019 Presenters of the Year: Jason Lederer, CPESC, LEED AP & Troy Thompson, MS, PE
Technical Paper of the Year: Lan Liu, MS & Michael A. Perez, Ph.D.,CPESC
Outstanding Professional:Earl Norton, MS, CPESC, CPAg
Sustained Contributor: Charles R. Riling, Jr., TRETCNO, ABI, CESSWI
Environmental Excellence: Dr. Rich McLaughlin and the North Carolina State University (NCSU) Erosion, Sediment and Turbidity Control Program
Three Under 30 Young Professionals: Michael A. Perez, Ph.D.,CPESC; Kristine Sommer, CPESC, QISP, QSD; Sylvie Spraakman, P.Eng.
Four Under 40 Young Professionals: Adam Dibble, CPESC, CESSWI; Wesley N. Donald, Ph.D., E.I., CPESC; Dylan Drudul, CPESC; and Stefano Rignanese, MS
Sustained Partner: East Coast Erosion Control
Environmental Connection 2018 Presenter of the Year: Dwayne Stenlund, CPESC
Most Distinguished Technical Paper: J. Blake Whitman, MS, Wesley Donald, Ph.D., CPESC and Wes Zech, Ph.D.
Outstanding Professionals: Claudia Chambers, CPESC, CISEC, QSP and Kym Kelley CPESC, CISEC, QSP
Sustained Contributor: DJ Brouwer, PE, CFM
Environmental Excellence: Wes Zech, Ph.D. and the Auburn University Erosion and Sediment Control Testing Facility
Environmental Connection 2017 Presenter of the Year: Dr. Eve Brantley
Most Distinguished Technical Paper: Marc S. Theisen, M.Sc., CPESC, CPSWQ, CESSWI and J.P. Johns, PE
Outstanding Professional: Jonathan Koepke, CPESC, LEED-AP
Sustained Contributor: Gustavo Salerno, CPESC, PE
Environmental Excellence: Paul Kofi Nsiah, Brandenburg Technology University
Environmental Connection 2016 Presenter of the Year: Dwayne Stenlund, CPESC
Most Distinguished Technical Paper: Jerry L. Hatfield, Ph.D.
Outstanding Professional: Adam Dibble, CESSWI
Sustained Contributor: Dan Salsinger
Environmental Excellence: Texas A & M Transportation Institute's Sediment and Erosion Control Laboratory
Most Distinguished Technical Paper: Michael Perez
Environmental Excellence: Stephen Peck
Outstanding Professional: John McCullah
Most Distinguished Technical Paper: James E. (Jay) Sprague, CPESC
Environmental Connection Presenter of the Year: Wesley C. Zech, PhD, LEED AP
Sustained Contributor of the Year: J.P. Johns, P.E.
Young Professional: Brad Flack, CPESC, CESSWI
Contractor of the Year: Construction EcoServices
Organization of the Year: Association Guatemaleca de Control de Erosion (AGCES)
Sustained Contributor: J.P. Johns, P.E.
Young Professional: Brad Flack, CPESC, CESSWI
Contractor of the Year: Construction EcoServices
Organization of the Year: Association Guatemaleca de Control de Erosion (AGCES)
Presenter of the Year: Barry Fagan, PE/PLS, CPESC and Jesse Poore, AICP, CFM
Most Distinguished Technical Paper: Julie Etra, MS, CPESC
Environmental Achievement of the Year: Frank Kneib
Sustained Contributor: David T. Williams, Ph.D., PE, CPESC
Presenter of the Year: Christopher Neumann
Most Distinguished Technical Paper: Stephen H. Peck, PE, Paul Wisheropp, PE and Andrea Manha, PE
Environmental Achievement of the Year: Sue Harney
Contractor of the Year: Ben West and the Denver Transit Construction Group
Presenter of the Year: Barry Fagan, PE/PLS, CPESC
Most Distinguished Technical Paper: Gerry Hester, PE, and Wesley Donald
Environmental Achievement of the Year: Banora Point Upgrade Alliance
Sustained Contributor: Tom Carpenter, CPESC
Contractor of the Year: Abigroup Contractors
Educational Achievement: Alaska Coastal Revegetation & Erosion Control Guide (ACRECG)
Organization of the Year: Township of Langley - ESC Program
Professional of the Year: Gregory Ewanitz, CPESC, CESSWI
Young Professional: Kent Stevenson
Most Distinguished Technical Paper: David Todd, CPESC
Presenter of the Year: Barry Fagan, PE/PLS, CPESC
Environmental Achievement: Hume Highway Woomargama Alliance
Sustained Contributor: Doug Wimble, CPESC
Educational Achievement: North Carolina State University Departments of Soil Science and Biological & Agricultural Engineering (Rich McLaughlin)
Young Professional: Jason Lederer, CPESC, LEED AP
Presenter of the Year: Dwayne Stenlund, MS, CPESC, CPRM
Sustained Contributor: Grant Witheridge and Mark Hunter, PE, MPA
Industry Professional of the Year: Gustavo Salerno, CPESC
Organization of the Year: North Carolina Department of Transportation’s Roadside Environmental Unit - Ted Sherrod (NCDOT)
Presenter of the Year: Brent Hallock, PhD, CPESC, CPSS
Sustained Contributor: Julie Etra, CPESC
Educational Achievement: Sam Lamont, CPESC, CESSWI, CISEC and Alex Zimmerman, CPESC
Environmental Achievement: North Carolina Inventor Honored for Excellence in Controlling Sediment at Construction Sites, J. Warren Faircloth
Excellence in Technology: Colorado Engineer Honored for Excellence in Erosion Control. Laura Girard
Most Distinguished Technical Paper: South Carolina Erosion Control Researcher Honored for Technical Paper about Product Performance Testing
Sustained Contributor: Colorado Water Resources Engineer Honored for Contributions to the Erosion Control Industry, Paul E. Clopper, PE
Contractor of the Year: California Contractor Honored for Excellence in Controlling Erosion at Construction Sites, Alfred T. Nitta, CPESC
Educator of the Year: Texas Civil Engineer Honored for Service as an Educator in the Regional Erosion Control Industry, Andrew Johnston, CPESC
Most Distinguished Technical Paper: Johnny McFero Grace, III, Ph.D., CPESC
Environmental Achievement: City of Charlotte’s Erosion and Sedimentation Control Program
Sustained Contributor: Sustained Contributor Award: Earl Norton
Environmental Achievement: South China Agricultural University, Guang Zhou, China, and Toyo Greenland Company, Ltd.
Most Distinguished Technical Paper: Wendi Goldsmith
Technical Paper: Design of Montana Stream Restoration Project by Bill Bucher and Gary Wolff
Sustained Contributor Award: John Peterson
Excellence in Technology: John McCullah
Environmental Achievement: San Antonio Water System’s Resource Protection and Compliance Department: Scott Halty, Robert Martinez, Martin Miller and Philip Handley
Contractor of the Year Award: Oxford Properties, L.L.C., Richard A. Denny, III