IECA Advertising, Exhibit and Sponsorship Opportunities

An investment in IECA is a smart, tactical move toward reaching other companies’ decision-makers in the erosion and sediment control and stormwater quality industry. Our advertising and promotional opportunities continue to be a great marketing value, and our prices remain competitive as the benefits of your investment continue to grow. We offer many options for marketing through Environmental Connection - the official publication of IECA, website advertising, monthly eNewsletter, Vendor Showcases, Annual Conference, and regional events. The sooner you invest in these opportunities, the more exposure you will receive.

Mark Farmer

Director of Corporate Partnership

IECA Exhibitor and Sponsorship Opportunities

  • IECA Annual Conference (Including booths, sponsorships, microsite digital advertising, program guide ads)
  • IECA Regional Events
  • Webinars (eHub, co-hosted with trade magazines)

Ronnie Jacko

Senior Account Executive

IECA Environmental Connection / Newsletter / News Center

  • IECA Environmental Connection Print Ads
  • IECA Environmental Connection Electronic Distribution Sponsorship
  • IECA eNewsletter
  • IECA Online News Center
LLM Publications Media Kit
(Adobe PDF File)


Sarah Cady

Partner Relations Manager

Digital Publishing

  • IECA's Buyers Guide
  • Retargeting
  • Web Banners
  • Newsletter Advertising

Since 1995, my involvement in IECA activities has been pivotal in shaping my second career after retiring from the USDA-NRCS. The technology sessions, networking opportunities, and friendships I've built have been crucial to my success as an erosion and sediment control planner, inspector, and trainer.

Earl Norton, CPESC, CPAg, CCA Auburn, Alabama, USA