Scour Analysis for Streambank Stabilization

Presented by: Dennis L Richards, P.E., D.WRE, F.EWRI, F.ASCE

Education Track: Wetland, Stream Bank, and Shoreline Restoration
Course Length: Full Day
Credit: 7 Professional Development Hours
Technical Level: All

It is critical for projects requiring streambank stabilization that protection extend deep enough to prevent undermining of the system. The focus of this course will be to define the types of scour and examine the methods available to predict the depth of scour for small to mid-size streams and river systems. The equations for predicting the depth of scour for the various scour types will be presented along with the data requirements and limitations associated with a given equation. Workshops will supplement the presentations providing participants the opportunity to select appropriate equations and calculate scour depths.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the different types of scour.
  2. Recognize the data requirements and limitations of various scour equations.
  3. Understand the procedures for predicting total scour for streambank stabilization projects.

Interested in this course? Please contact IECA Education at: | 303-640-7554

Presented by Dennis L Richards, P.E., D.WRE, F.EWRI, F.ASCE

Dennis has over 45 years of experience in hydraulic and sedimentation engineering. He has been responsible for the hydraulic, sediment transport, and scour analyses for a more than thirty channel and bank stabilization projects and performed the bridge hydraulics and scour analyses for a number of new or replacement bridges. Dennis has developed and presented training courses throughout the U.S. on the hydraulic design of channels, culverts, energy dissipators; and scour analysis for streambank stabilization. In addition, he has managed the development of standards for: a) Watercourse System Sediment Balance; b) Watercourse Bank Stabilization; and c) Floodplain Hydraulic Modeling.