Erosion & Sediment Control Installer Workshop - Day One
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
12:30 - 5:00PM
Physical Address: 231 Mell Street, Auburn, AL 36849
Parking: Look for signs for the Auburn University Hotel & Conference Center, park in the parking deck next to the hotel. You are only permitted to park on levels 2 + 3, please be sure you are parked on level 2 or 3.
Walking Directions: After parking you will walk to the Mell Building located at 231 Mell Street. Enter from Mell street, take the elevator up 2 floors, turn left out of the elevator and the classroom is on your left. We are in room number 5410.
- 12:30PM - Welcome and Introduction
- 12:40PM - Session 1: E&SC Overview - "The Why"
- 1:00PM - Session 2: Erosion Control
- 1:25PM - Session 3: Sediment Barriers
- 1:50PM - Stream Table Exercise
- 2:00PM - Break
- 2:15PM - Session 4: Inlet Protection
- 2:45PM - Session 5 - Sediment Basins
- 3:15PM - Break
- 3:30PM - Session 6: Flocculants & Demo
- 4:00PM - Session 7: Application & Inspection Examples
- 4:30PM - Closing and Day 2 Overview
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
8:30AM - 5:00PM
Auburn University - Erosion and Sediment Control Testing Facility
MEETING LOCATION: 1600 Lee Rd. 151
Opelika, Alabama, 36804
- 8:00AM - Breakfast
- 8:30AM - Rotation 1
- Ditch Checks
- TRMs
- Sediment Basins
- 10:00AM - Break
- 10:15AM - Rotation 2
- Silt Fence
- Erosion Control Blankets
- 11:45AM - Lunch
- 12:30PM - Rotation 3
- Slope Drains
- Level Spreader
- Inlet Protection
- 2:00PM - Break
- 2:15PM - Demo Rotation 1
- 3:15PM - Demo Rotation 2
* Events will be held rain or shine. Attendees are encouraged to wear appropriate footwear and bring a rain jacket for field sessions in case of rain.