Panel Discussion: Industry Leading Erosion Control Hydroseeders

Moderated by Mike Everhart - EJ Prescott

Education Track: Erosion & Sediment Control & Stormwater Management

This panel will discuss site assessment and site evaluation. Site Assessment (EC and SMP) Providing Peace of Mind! – Selecting a Best Management Practice (BMPs) that prevent, reduce or treat the site. Visual Site Assessments tell a deeper story and can assist in choosing a more effective BMPs that are highly effective for the site while remaining budget-conscious On behalf of the Customers our Panelists will be discussing how they assess and evaluate a site for the Best Possible Solution on controlling erosion and vegetation establishment. JOIN US AND TOGETHER while we dive into these issues with Industry Experts that are on our Panel today – Together we will build A STONGER FUTURE!


Jack Eaton - Filtrexx 
Randy Olmstead - All Green Hydroseed
David Roach - All Habitat