Co-Presented by Jacob Stewart & C Joel Sprague
TRI Environmental
Mr. Sprague is a long-time member of the senior technical staff of TRI/Environmental, Austin, TX. specializing in research, development, and application of geosynthetics, plastic pipe, and erosion and sediment control technologies. Mr. Sprague has authored numerous technical papers on his research. He is Chair of the Subcommittee on Geosynthetics in Erosion and Sediment Control in the ASTM D35 Committee on Geosynthetics. He is also actively involved in ASTM D18.25 Subcommittee on Erosion and Sediment Control. He is a registered professional engineer in North and South Carolina, and Georgia. He received the Richard S. Ladd Standards Development Award for his work on standards D 6461 and D 6462 on Silt Fence Materials and Installation, respectively. In 2003, he received the 2003 Award for Outstanding Article on the Practice of Geotechnical Testing for his paper titled, “Development of RECP Performance Test Methods” in ASTM’s Geotechnical Testing Journal. Also, Mr. Sprague was awarded IECA’s Most Distinguished Technical Paper Award 2007 for his paper titled “Slope Erosion Testing – Identifying “Critical” Parameters”.